What does MMM mean?
Is MMM a company?
MMM isn’t a company, organization or any kind of business. Being not as such, MMM doesn’t, accordingly: possess a personal account, render any services and enter into legal relations with anybody. MMM – is a consolidation of physical persons with the aim of giving mutual help to each other and changing the character of financial relations among people. To reach this aim MMM has an operative ideology, effective scheme of mutual payments, offices in different countries, a plenty of official and private sites of participants, as well as the database of the given participants. In other words there is nobody who transfers funds to MMM or gets funds from MMM. The system is just joining (is presenting contact details) of people who wants to give help with those who wants to get it.
Is MMM a financial pyramid?
In the contemporary world almost all financial organizations can be considered as financial pyramids (banks, insurance societies, exchange markets, etc): as they don’t make any products, but redistribute funds only. However, MMM distinguishes itself not only by the mechanism of its work but also by purposes from traditional financial institutes. Firstly, all of them, be it a bank or a HYIP (high-yield investment program), promise and guarantee, that having contributed you’ll be able to get income in the future.
Though, there are no promises in MMM – as this is in fact a hi-tech global benefit association, charitable platform, where nobody is investing, but giving each other money gratuitously. Secondly, a goal in itself of investing money into a bank or participating in a HYIP is a profit-making. It’s also possible to get money in MMM, considerably more than the invested sum, but it isn’t the key point of the system (refer to the section of purposes of MMM in details), but rather a side effect, consequence of its growing popularity and extending scales. As opposed to banks and HYIPs, MMM is never going to go into bankruptcy and its participants won’t run off. Should the system face difficulties — it will be long-lived, while there are people sharing its core idea of free assistance to each other. No matter what problems the system could run into, it will bring information of its aims to a growing number of people. That’s what will provide a steady increase of participants’ quantity. Illustration of a long-term functioning of the system is its existence for more than 3 years (from January, 2011).
Though, there are no promises in MMM – as this is in fact a hi-tech global benefit association, charitable platform, where nobody is investing, but giving each other money gratuitously. Secondly, a goal in itself of investing money into a bank or participating in a HYIP is a profit-making. It’s also possible to get money in MMM, considerably more than the invested sum, but it isn’t the key point of the system (refer to the section of purposes of MMM in details), but rather a side effect, consequence of its growing popularity and extending scales. As opposed to banks and HYIPs, MMM is never going to go into bankruptcy and its participants won’t run off. Should the system face difficulties — it will be long-lived, while there are people sharing its core idea of free assistance to each other. No matter what problems the system could run into, it will bring information of its aims to a growing number of people. That’s what will provide a steady increase of participants’ quantity. Illustration of a long-term functioning of the system is its existence for more than 3 years (from January, 2011).
Is MMM a MLM (Multi-Level Marketing)?
No, it is not. There aren’t any products or goods to be sold or consumed. The main idea of MMM is that giving money has to be on mutual basis and mustn’t be caused by rendering services or performing sales. Compared to MLM projects participants of MMM aren’t bound to invite new participants. Needles to say, that informing your friends and people you know about the system is welcome. But even if you aren’t going to invite anybody, in line with others you’ll be able to provide and get help in any case.
What's the difference between MMM and crypto-currency (bitcoin, litecoin and others)?
There is a conventional currency unit ‘mavro’ used in MMM. It specifies the amount of help you provided to other participants. However mavro profoundly differs from bitcoins and other crypto-currencies. Crypto-currencies – are a speculative tool. They are purchased through the exchange market and their rate fluctuates due to supply and demand index. In MMM participants aren’t taking part in a stock jobbing, but directly giving money to each other. Therefore in functional approach it’s much easier to participate in the system than to deal with crypto-currencies. You won’t need any technical or stock knowledge, to register special e-wallets and open a bid, to pay fees to stockbrokers, etc. Everything is as much as possible simple: enter into the personal office (PO) indicate what amount you’d like to grant or accept as a gift. Both a recipient or a sender of help are chosen automatically, you transfer and get funds – and that’s it!
it possible to earn money in MMM?
Since MMM isn’t an economic project or agent, the money here isn’t earned but granted. There aren’t any guarantees that you’ll be granted more than YOU granted. But if in a certain period of time after your provision of help the number of participants in the system increased, the more likely that it will be able to assist you on a higher amount (see the section on mavro). Of course, there are different periods, as well as everywhere where money are circulating: its participants are also sensitive to external events and the news background. There were moments in the history of MMM when the number of requests for help exceeded the number of applications for its provision. In the light of this experience, the system has developed a number of mechanisms that give participants an opportunity to wait out the difficulties and finally get help for a higher amount than they have provided (see the section on “pause” mode). The highly effective strategy of participation in MMM – are regular donations of small (non-critical for you) sums of money and a regular request for help as needed. This strategy means that it is unlikely that sooner or later, you don’t go out into a plus. But remember: the main thing is not to get more than you gave, it isn’t “a profit-making business”, but the process itself for getting and providing help.
Is it possible to lose money in MMM?
Since MMM is neither the Bank, nor the investment project, then, strictly speaking, losing your invested funds is impossible because there are no invested funds themselves, and therefore being provided as a gift they cannot be considered a loss itself. But it is possible that you have given help worth more than received. Therefore, in the interests of psychological safety, it is necessary to give help to the amount that you are willing to give gratuitously. At the same time, it’s quite logical and predictable that anyone who regularly grants money, in the future will get more than granted, because the number of participants in the community of MMM is constantly growing.
What's the purpose of MMM?
The purpose of the MMM is to motivate unknown people to give each other money without any conditions, within the frame of a fund or mutual aid bank. And thus almost evolutionary to change the character of socio-economic relations. Unlike charitable institutions that offer help for people who found themselves in a difficult situation, MMM has reciprocal assistance: all help all people, everyone helps everyone. This creates a powerful financial flow, not mediated by sale of goods, services, speculation or any other conditions. Thus, the system “socializes” money. If MMM unites the majority of the world’s population, it can be presumed that money would be devalued (depreciated) and will no longer serve as: an inadequate measure of labour, means of economic coercion, the condition of the forming the consumer or alienation society. This will open the way to a new, more humane and fair society in which the motivation to work will no longer be of a hard financial character.
Who is MMM guided by?
MMM is not a corporation, which has shareholders, owners, or a director. Those who develop MMM, are not employees, but free people working on their own free will. You can manage free people not on the basis of laws and orders, and not through a financial coercion, but through sound advice and suggestions. The idea of creating a global system of mutual aid is owned by Sergey Mavrodi, who founded MMM and is its leader. Furthermore, he has the right of an arbitrator in resolving conceptual disputes and conflicts inherent in any social community. Inconsiderable current controversies resolved by administrative management team and authorized persons, forming the Audit Office (CRO – Control and Revision Office). It is the personality of Mavrodi who allows the system to remain united, despite difficulties of all kinds. At the same time, it would be wrong to assume MMM as a kind of authoritarian sect. It’s rather holistic (whole-synergistic) and socially oriented movement, which adequately takes into account the characteristics of the current stage of social development and its challenges. (See the section on S.P. Mavrodi).
Who is participating in MMM?
Any person over the age of 18 is able to give and get money as a gift by means of MMM. The system aims to unite the majority of the people of the Planet. In MMM there is absolutely equal treatment to members of different age and social groups, work status and political backgrounds, countries and religions. The System doesn’t contrast people one against another and doesn’t act on the principle of “divide and conquer”. In the contemporary world, it is impossible to live alone, people have something to give to others and something to take from them. But hardly anyone disagrees that this interaction should be based on good faith. Therefore, MMM doesn’t put any barriers to participation in the system. It is a social network of a new level where people not only communicate and get acquainted, but also help each other financially and thus combining the idea of social networks and crowd funding in a single entity and bringing it to its logical completeness.
Is MMM acting on legal grounds?
MMM has no financial accounts and need for legal registration. This is actually just a database of contacts of people voluntarily helping each other, they have no financial relationship with the system itself, but with each other. In other words it is an idea, and not subject to legal relations, and so MMM may not be illegal. With regard to the legality of its participants’ activity, studying legislation of different countries, we haven’t found a State in which the giving of money from one person to another would be prohibited by law. The right for gift giving – is one of the main forms of realization of the right for private property. Do I have to pay tax on the money received as a gift? In most countries, giving a small amount of money is not taxable. If your country is not the case, we call you to pay corresponding tax – MMM system always encourages its participants to strictly follow the legislation of those countries which citizens or residents they are.
How is MMM functioning?
What does your personal office 'PO' mean?
This is the main operating program of MMM, it’s a kind of interface – the personalized section of the site, available for registered members. PO displays information related to participation in the system, it’s possible to get, provide and confirm help, to enter and edit your personal contact details, to register newcomers and manage their PO as a principal, to select a referrer and a manager, to have support from consultants, to enter into a direct relationship with the recipient or sender of help, adjust the time of delivery/receipt of help, etc. you help others through personal office (PO) only and only after you created a request for giving help for a certain amount. Access password in PO is sent to a participant after the registration. Logging in to your PO and key transactions on funds withdrawal or change in account should be made only after confirmation by SMS on the phone. The most frequently visited sections of the PO are desktop, where is the information part of all operations, and “Mavro”, where you can get acquainted with the current status and expectable growth of the funds on your account, and completely or partially renew your mavro under the selected conditions or convert the designated amount in other currencies. Particular attention should be paid to the accuracy of filling in the “accounts” section. So that incompleteness or inaccuracy in bank details don’t cause any problems. In case of blocking of your PO due to violations of the rules, the only available operation remains is to contact feedback in order to learn the cause of the blockage and the conditions of its withdrawal. To learn more about the details of transactions go to the “demo mode” on the central page of MMM’s official site.
Who is referrer and referral?
Referrer is a participant of the system who invited another participant. Referral is someone who was invited. If you registered a new participant or he registered himself on your invitation code, then you’re a referrer, and he is your referral. In PO in the section “Participants”, you can see the list of your referrals (there may be many) and the referrer (he’s the one, or he may not be at all, if you have registered yourself). Referrer gets a referral bonus of 10% every time the referral is giving help to others (about the amount of a referral bonus, see more details in the section “bonuses”). 10′s manager (to learn more about 10′s, 100′s, 1000′s managers go to 2.6 below) has no right to impose himself as the referrer, if he didn’t invite you in the system personally. Any newcomer who came through your referral link will be directed to the registration page of MMM’s website, where he will be automatically considered your referral (your referral link can be found in PO in “my page” and in “Participants – referrals” sections). To place your referral link on other Internet resources you must copy it in the body of the message.
What does 'invite' mean?
This is a verbal invitation code from a participant of MMM, owing to which he can invite other people into the system and get a referral bonus. For this purpose newcomer writes an invite of inviting person in the appropriate section of the registration form. From that moment on, he becomes your referral. To get a personal invite go to PO in the section “my page” and specify the meaning word from him. Functionally, your email address and a referral link can be used as an invite. To attract new members by using the invite there are many possibilities depending on the personal creativity and imagination. Most popular of them are:
— handing out business cards;
— distribution of leaflets and booklets;
— indication of your invite on the cash banknotes;
— participating in the online forums for advertising and shopping sites, personal sites and blogs;
— supporting any distributed promo-advertising materials with the text “by registering in MMM, please use my invite (indicating it further);
— direct agitation in the offices of MMM and temporary street stalls (“MMM” cubes).
— distribution of small cash and mavro-gifts from MMM – like system, or on your own behalf.
— handing out business cards;
— distribution of leaflets and booklets;
— indication of your invite on the cash banknotes;
— participating in the online forums for advertising and shopping sites, personal sites and blogs;
— supporting any distributed promo-advertising materials with the text “by registering in MMM, please use my invite (indicating it further);
— direct agitation in the offices of MMM and temporary street stalls (“MMM” cubes).
— distribution of small cash and mavro-gifts from MMM – like system, or on your own behalf.
What does 'mavro' mean?
This is a conventional currency unit for measurement of provided help to other participants in MMM. Mavro isn’t a currency, the debt obligation or other form of financial assets. With mavro, you can’t buy any goods or services. Mavro isn’t increasing in its rate on the participant’s account, but quantity that is bound to the value of a currency. Growth rate is from 30% to 50% per month, or approximately 20-40 times per year, in accordance with the rule of compounding. The number of growing mavro and progressive calculation of the amount of help can be seen directly in your PO in the section “Mavro”. Mavro can be renewed under deposit or no deposit contribution can be counted as a debt of the system (in case of a restart), can instantly be converted under calculation to any of 33 major currencies of the world. At any time the number of mavro, rate of growth and the types of deposits can be changed in the interest of the stability of the system in order that participants continued to get help.
What does 'demo-office' mean?
This is a demo version of PO that allows to master key technical operations associated with giving and getting help in training mode without money. It is possible to learn PO functions without registration and to get rid of concern for insufficient knowledge of them. Upon logging into the demo-Office you get a training account to log in. You can repeatedly do requests for giving or receipt of help until you get a sense of confidence. All operations are performed within the demo-office in only one country and time period is provisional – in reality requests for help are processed usually within half an hour.
Who are 10th, 100th, 1000th and etc. managers?
These are the ranks (conditional hierarchical status) of managers in the system, which are determined in proportion to the number of participants in created by managers or their “descendants” team (participants are able to get the advice within it). In fact, managers ranks correspond to the units in the system and are a condition of its structuring, assisting in communication, and creating additional motivation to attract participants. As a rule, the managers of different ranks are experienced and informed participants of the system, who can give advice in case of any complications or make it easier by appealing to higher level managers. Each participant has a chance to choose a manager, whose status is automatically promoted as his group. Managers don’t have the right to demand the money to be transferred to any account. They just help the members of their unit feel confident in the system and are responsible for the members, if they are their direct managers. It’s essential to appoint your manager within 7 days after your registration in MMM, otherwise he would no longer receive the manager bonus. Managers bonuses from the deposits of the participants of their structures have a multilevel character (excluding a few additional concessional interest rates) and are ranked from 5% up to hundredth of a percent.
What does 'pause' mode mean?
It is an effective tool for the system stabilization – a kind of a temporary “freeze” of interest dynamic of MMM to neutralize the potential threat of panic if the number of requests for help exceeds the number of requests for its provision. It was first introduced by SPM (Sergey Pantelyevich Mavrody) at the end of 2013, for 2.5 months and was cancelled ahead of schedule due to successful execution of the task. During the pause, the growth in interest income and the countdown of time deposit accounts is suspended. At the same time there is still ability to keep providing help, as well as to take nominal value of previously deposited funds, with a floating rate and minus already obtained funds. In two cases, the pause mode (at the end of 2013 to mid-2014) ratio was +10 percent. Thereby it helped the participants avoid concerns of possible losses and it influenced very positive the further growth of the system. This allowed SPM to talk on the establishment of a mechanism preventing the system restarting, that brought to the dismay of a considerable part of the participants in 2011 and 2012. Psychological mechanism of resistance to a panic includes now a 72-hour waiting for execution of requests for a withdrawal, during which you can cancel them. The balance of input and withdrawal is determined during this period of time, according to which a floating rate is introduced. It’s once again confirmed the thesis that the stability of the system depends solely on its members behaviour. Today, the core of MMM is formed by civilly mature participants, who understand their responsibility, aware of all the risks, but aren’t afraid of anything. In the future, in case of rapid development of the system, the need for a pause mode might not occur. As private option of pause mode can be vacation mode, during which the individual participant’s activity in the PO also becomes impossible, and the growth of mavro is suspended.
How can I help the system?
Depending on the dominant traits, you can choose two main lines of action: making growing personal deposits in the system, being aware of the risks and not considering it as a form of commercial grabbing; or actively attract new participants into the system, making sure about the moral integrity of your actions. The first way is limited by crucial for the participant amount of funds, that you can share with other people, being free from anxiety. The second is more generally useful, as it allows you to extend the system almost endlessly, but it requires some civil courage, creativity, communication skills and ability to persuade. It’s necessary to invite participants gently, tactfully, patiently explaining the principle of MMM and its ideological top-objectives (“we are changing the world”). It shouldn’t be just seducing people by “fast money”, but bringing a conception that the idea of MMM is an alternative, innovation, the truth, and that is its strength. Essence and opportunities of the system, are in particular, well combined with holding charity events, webinars and thematic blogs keeping. You should touch upon the theme of MMM in every public, network and private communications, even if it might lead to disputes – for good reasoning, you must provide the ideological basis (the basic idea: MMM is a unique fund of mutual aid, in the long term – the apotheosis of financial capitalism and at the same time, its gravedigger); It is recommended that you have the most impressive examples of practice and, of course, personal experience. Try to find fresh words when writing thank-you letters for receipt of help expressing your sincere feelings about this. To get acquainted with the variety of practical experience for development of the system visit the daily updated official site of MMM in the “news” section. You should also study the accumulated archived information, scrolling through the news feed for the previous months and years. And, of course, post your know-how, which has proven its effectiveness.
How is it possible to multiply your deposit in MMM up to 30% per month?
The high percent of incomes are supported only by the system’s expansion – the next participants are helping the previous ones. About it is quite honestly and openly written on the official MMM web site. This “principle” is the basis of every financial system, just as the internal combustion engine is the basis of the most cars. The only difference is the speed of growing. MMM is highly efficient and honest and positive system, while all the banks – are just the moneylenders, legalized by law.
According to the mathematic law, this type of system, is a geometric progression,
so it can’t exist for a long time. From this point of view is MMM a giant gamble or not?
As well as in any charts of this type, and in all financial institutions, the amount of debt is not as critical as the psychology and behavior of its participants. The well-known “Madoff’s System” had been operating for more than 50 years. The U.S. dollar, which is secured by no more than 4%, is operating for several decades already and is actually a world currency. All the banks, insurance companies and pension funds, also use this principle, may also exist for a long time. The first projects of MMM-94 and Stock Generation, despite its 100% monthly incomes provided, has been working steadily until the government didn’t destroy it.
Also, an additional stability for MMM , if compared with the traditional financial institutions, ensures its positive ideological support, as well as participant’s self-study and the flexible system of regulation based on the floating rates which helps control and prevent the first signs of possible instability.
Also, an additional stability for MMM , if compared with the traditional financial institutions, ensures its positive ideological support, as well as participant’s self-study and the flexible system of regulation based on the floating rates which helps control and prevent the first signs of possible instability.
Is MMM's activity lawful or not?
The MMM’s activity doesn’t contradict with the legislation of any country of the world. Usually it means that cofounders of such kind of structures are acting against the law and lie to their investors about the amounts of investor’s deposits, terms of it and regularity of payments. Hence, in the absence of false promises there cannot be made any legal claims, which is already confirmed by judicial precedents in various countries.
Generally speaking it is a huge social financial network in which people can voluntarily exchange money between each other. Forbidding people to manage their money at their own discretion means to undermine the modern world’s foundation. And whom can you judge? MMM is not a legal entity and respectively doesn’t have official employees, no centralized accounts. MMM can be considered as the next logical step of the social network’s development, increasing their resource consumption by the funds which are equitably distributed in time and space.
Generally speaking it is a huge social financial network in which people can voluntarily exchange money between each other. Forbidding people to manage their money at their own discretion means to undermine the modern world’s foundation. And whom can you judge? MMM is not a legal entity and respectively doesn’t have official employees, no centralized accounts. MMM can be considered as the next logical step of the social network’s development, increasing their resource consumption by the funds which are equitably distributed in time and space.
Can we call Mavro russian analogue of the international cryptomoney bitcoin?
Bitcoin – is a typical example of a pyramid. In contrast with the specific object of speculation on the stock and currency markets (shares or currency), bitcoin currency is an abstract currency. Mavro is not a speculative cryptocurrency, it is a conventional unit used for operations in the socially oriented financial network system. Using Mavro you cannot buy any goods or services, in the participant’s account grows the amount of it and not its exchange rate. But at the same time Mavro currency is much more liquid than the bitcoins due to their growth of 23.3 times per year.
How can be MMM affected by the possible devaluation of national currencies as compared to dollar?
In the best way. The dollar system forms the base of the largest pyramid scheme, other currencies — pyramids on this pyramid. Obviously, it can only gain more strength as compared to them, in the medium term perspective. If the dollar collapses – all the financial systems will collapse but not MMM. Even though the risk of dollar’s collapse in the nearest future is very low, America’s desire to get rid of a huge public debt could trigger a global hyperinflation.
What currencies are used in MMM?
You can buy mavro by using any currency. When you join the system all your money are automatically converted in $USA at the rate set by the central bank of your country. Afterwards it is calculated how much mavro you can purchase with your amount. The rate can be found at any time on the official MMM web site, whose access is always opened to all the participants. If it’s necessary you can always change Mavro in any other currency (EUR for example).
How strict is the hierarchy in MMM?
The division by 10th 100th etc Manager are only the names of certain cells of the common system. At the same time it is a useful condition for its structuring. The status is automatically increased as you attract more newcomers and their «descendants». The managers, however, have to follow in the same way the requirements of the system as well as the ordinary members, they can have the same penalties applied, for example for inefficiency and, especially, for disloyalty to the system (actions for division).
Is it possible for the government to destroy MMM?
Illegal acts and persecution, anti-propaganda in government controlled media can only pause the system’s growth (as it happened in India). Even arrest or sudden disability of Mavrodi will not affect the development of a system that has reached a certain level. Possible instability created by panic depends only on the behavior of the participants in the system. Do not participate in the system with sums which are really important for you and remember and explain to others that everything depends on us.
Does MMM compensate the damage, which can be created by the police
to the participants of the system?
Why shouldn’t we try to create from the inception a more stable system, even if we had to sacrifice the profitability and attractiveness of MMM?
An inexperienced newcomer is under the influence of two emotional motivators: greed on the one hand and fear of losses on the other. He estimates the ratio of money growth and risk, and joins the system only when it reaches the definite value. Available figures of the growth yield reflect this practical line of overcoming fear.
MMM actually implements the communist principle 'from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.'
Isn’t this goal too utopian at the present level of human development?
Ask a simple question: why MMM has such a great success in almost all countries where it appears, regardless of nationality, religion and mentality? The only answer is: because the idea of MMM – is the truth. MMM educates people and they become more conscious as the system evolves. They begin to realize that the system – is they themselves, that stealing and robbing it is simply unprofitable, and better if it exists for a long time. That helping people – it is a good, kind and noble cause. And money becomes less important for them, surprisingly, in our selfish soulless society. Rehabilitation of people of all ages and social groups is possible. So kindness triumphs over evil, as it should be.
What is the fate of money lost by investors after the collapse of the previous stages of MMM?
They went to those who have high interest rates. If a disaster generated by panic happens, then, of course, there wouldn’t be enough money for everybody. There is no central account in MMM, money are stored in the Personal Offices of the participants. It is done to ensure efficiency and uniformity of the movement of funds or using them for entire system. Even previously derived money usually returns to the system back when it restarts. But the probability of a restart today is minimal – the system has successfully passed the pause period twice.
What is the declared goal of MMM, as 'Apocalypse' — would it be destructive financial collapse?
The MMM’s goal is to make life better. The main evil of the modern financial system is the loan interest; we live in the realm of moneylenders. So after we come to dominion all the loans would be canceled, and the financial system based on a loan interest would be destroyed. We want to destroy not the money but the current unfair system of its distribution.
How necessarily is to choose a Manager in the PO (Personal Office)?
Supervisor is usually a more experienced and informed participant, who is able to provide an advice in case of any complications. You may assign him within 7 days after registration in MMM. You can do this at the end of a week period, but then the Manager won’t receive manager’s bonus (calculated systemically). When you change your supervisor the new one will not receive bonuses as well as when you return to the old one.
What is the amount of the Manager's bonuses?
Rewards are multilevel: 5%, 3%, 1%, 0.5%, 0.3%, 0.1% charged on all the next levels. 5% – for those who appointed you directly as his supervisor (direct “descendants”); 3% – for those who appointed your direct descendants, etc. If the participant indicated his referrer also as a supervisor, then referrer receives from this member only the referral’s bonus. Referral bonus from the deposit of your invited participant is 10%. Leader’s bonus of first level – 5% will be frozen (not subject to withdrawal) for two weeks after confirmation of the deposit. All the other types of leaders including referral bonuses are frozen for a month. If the participant withdraws his deposit before it’s defrost then the bonus burns.
Where can I find information about the approximate amount of assistance that you can get, as well as the times?
You can see the calculation of the Mavro amounts directly in your Personal Office in the section “Mavro”.
How to register with a referral link?
The referral link works as well as the “invite”, with the aim of attracting new participants over the internet. Members enrolled through it will automatically become referrals of the person who posted the referral link and he will begin to receive bonuses for the newcomer’s deposits. Any newcomer who came through your link will be directed to the registration page of the MMM’s website, where he would be automatically signed up as your referrer – even if the registration happens later.
How many times is it possible to provide and to request assistance?
It is unlimited. You can provide assistance even if there is a current request to receive assistance. However, you can not activate more than one request of assistance at the same time. During this time, you also will not be able make any changes in the section “my page” and “accounts”, so you should check in advance the correctness of your data before the request of assistance.
im having a problem the system is rejecting my password recovery and i forgot my password
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