The modern world is
very bad – inhumane, dishonest and unfair. It is the world of money – for those
who make this money, for bankers and financials. And people just play the role
of servants for them.
What is the basis of the commonwealth? Work. Then tell me why a banker or a stockbroker lives much better than a countryman? Do they work much more? Bull shit! It is simply ridiculous to say it as they do not even produce anything, other than some simple technical operations. We are used with such state of affairs and take it as normal. And by the way there is nothing “normal” here.
Why the banker works less, but lives better? Because the banker is the money operator. Hence, Money is the basis – the cornerstone.
What is the basis of the commonwealth? Work. Then tell me why a banker or a stockbroker lives much better than a countryman? Do they work much more? Bull shit! It is simply ridiculous to say it as they do not even produce anything, other than some simple technical operations. We are used with such state of affairs and take it as normal. And by the way there is nothing “normal” here.
Why the banker works less, but lives better? Because the banker is the money operator. Hence, Money is the basis – the cornerstone.
What is Money?

Why? It is not right and it is unfair, it mustn’t be! Since us all people, brothers, we are “equal”? Maybe we are “equal” in our work rights? Yes, but not for its good salary. What about the right to be elected? – Do you have money for an election campaign? Don’t believe anything from what sleek and well-fed owners of the world tell you on TV screens. People are not equal at all and money is not the measure of labor – all this is a lie. These noodles which they hang on your ears with great pleasure. For what reason? To rule you more easily.
Money – is not a measure of labor, it is bonds and fetters, durable and unbreakable chains, which hold their slaves. All of us are slaves – the slaves of money. Especially of those who print them. We still live in a slavery system – it is just more cultural now. Shackles became invisible and weightless, it looks like they’d disappeared and you may go anywhere and do anything – you are free. But in reality the “freedom” is an illusion. Everything is only for money. And where can you take them from? Only after selling your power, mind and time… Have you ever thought that selling yourself is immoral? It is like prostitution. But people must work, you will claim. Yes, we need to work, to create something new, useful for society, or we will degrade and die. But people must work voluntarily and not for the soup, not only for the reason of surviving. We must do what we like, and we all must work. In fact we all are equal – so let’s work all together. But the situation is that someone works hard for money, another one just “prints” them. It is abnormal, unacceptable and unsustainable. And there can be no explanation and justification for this state of affairs.
How does the financial world look like?

On a level lower there are all the central banks of different countries — lower — all the local national banks. Why do we need all these banks? Generally speaking they are supposed to be as blood vessels in an organism. The blood (money) from the heart (central bank) is pumped to all other parts and organs of the body. How does it relate to us? Dollar is a worldwide currency. Other banks can’t print money without FED’s permission. Otherwise it will be expelled out of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and there will be additional sanctions imposed against the intruder.
But not only FED prints out the money. All the banks do it! Many people work hard and can’t pay their credits. The fact is that by issuing loans, banks actually repeatedly , tens, hundreds and thousands of times increase the amount of the money in circulation – or rather, the debt. And besides, the debt assigned to the borrowers is real, whereas debt of the banks are simply virtual, are only written on the paper. It is due to the fact that the number of depositors is much larger than the number of creditors, and they will never come for their money once at the same time. Well, only in the case if there is panic. That is why panic is very dangerous for the banks — 90% of their money is virtual. All in all it means that money multiply everything, except us. And is absolutely uncontrolled! Poor borrower will never pay back all the money to the bank no matter how hard he works, because the amount he owes to the bank simply does not exist. Smart bankers made them from nothing, create them from thin air! So the bank has no fear for his debt, in reality he will never have to pay it all. But the debtor on the other hand will have to pay the loan fully – with all the interests and charges. Take new credits, then the new ones… and so endlessly, until the very end. There is no exit from this credit snare – it is closed. Debtor is the bank’s slave for ages, his children, and grandchildren. A slave of this awful and monstrous cannibal world financial system, which gave birth to this ruthless and brutal mechanism. And which must finally be destroyed.
Financial apocalypse

Unfortunately nowadays banks are created precisely for such job. Their own interests are more important than the interests of the society. Modern banks are the FED servants; they are greedy and avaricious bloodsuckers, small ghouls and vampires that serve to a giant and evil monster. That plunged the whole world into their financial cabala and sucks the blood from everyone and will continue unless we won’t stop and destroy it. Only financial apocalypse! There is no other way: we are not slaves, we are people. We choose freedom!
And this freedom is just around the corner. Now with the MMM appearance the financial apocalypse is inevitable and imminent! Now it is just a question of time — the grain is thrown and it is already sprouting! Right now at this very moment; it — won’t die!
What is MMM?

These banks exist based on what? They live not at the expense of oligarchs and millionaires; they exist only with the help of us, little people, who deposit on savings their small amounts of money. MMM knocks the ground under the bank’s feet and shows people the truth. Why do people bring money to banks for a rubbery of 8% per year, whilst the inflation is much higher? Because there is no other way to go. There is no other alternative, nowhere else to deposit the money. The banks are a monopoly, not to this one – so to the other one. They are all from the same place; they are all the children of the kind and caring spider-mom – the FED.
And now finally there’s an alternative. MMM – is yours, native. People here help each other: today you help someone, tomorrow someone will help you- this is the principle. Do you want the fat banker to buy a new limousine or a villa? Do you want to become a new slave? Participate in MMM and let your money help those, who are really in need – poor, invalid, pensioner, mother of many children. Love you neighbor, help him! MMM – is like a big nightstand, and people hold their money to it, and then get them back as the need comes. They take as much as they need (not seize, but take).
Actually people don’t need that much money. The feeling that they have them is much more important. The confidence in the next day is a basic necessity for everybody. And MMM just gives people this confidence. It gives the sense of union and solidarity – you are not alone! That in a difficult moment you will always have someone to come to rescue. You won’t be thrown away. MMM – is a part of a new society more bright and pure. A new world, where there will be no money – current money. Where everything will be different – fair and square. Were there will be no slaves and no masters, and everyone will work. For his own pleasure and for the benefit of the society. And where good finally wins evil. All this will be for sure!
Welcome to the system! Together We are Power! We are changing the World. And we will definitely change it – everything will be MMM! Financial Apocalypse is inevitable!
Real talk