Every viable system has its own pluses, minuses as well as risks and MMM is no difference. The most unfavorable thing that can happen to the MMM system, is its restart – restart in the event of a large-scale panic. Restarts in the Russian MMM occurred in 2011 and 2012, which was caused by both objective and subjective circumstances and reasons. However, it was not the collapse of the system, but only its restart. Immediately, everything starts over, and the participants have the opportunity to quickly recover their losses. It requires a certain psychological strength and a breakup of stereotypes, but such decision is safe enough. In addition, there are special concessionary assistance programs offered to those who were affected by the change, in terms of the amount of interest, bonuses and deposit terms. Importantly – do not give up and do not despair – you just lost the first set, but not the whole game. Take as a rule – do not participate with critical sums for you – do not be greedy. And remember, it is not so important the increase of the amount of the contributed money as much as the growth of the number of participants. Under current conditions of the fund’s capitalization, in order to maintain the stability of the system, it is enough for each participant to bring one new member within one month.
Today, however, it can be said with certainty that the system’s development stage associated with restarts, is over. The pause mechanism has proven itself to be successful – pause for a short time (about 2 months) of the interest rate growth at the first sign of incipient panic, or due to not fast enough social expansion of the system. As the experience of the introduction of two pause periods in Russia showed, no one loses the money in this case – the invested nominal plus 10% can be received at any time, at the same time there can be still offered assistance. This mode was first tested in late 2013, when out of the system, traditionally, are derived significant amounts of money and the interbank transfer channels are narrowed. Freedom from fear of irreparable losses, increased optimism and confidence in the system gave rise to its accelerated development. As well, the amount of resources accumulated during the pause period enables to perform, if necessary, the “swapping” of the system by borrowing funds from traditional credit and financial institutions that are much slower , or, in the case of urgent need , transfer the reserves from countries with a higher growth dynamics of MMM.Due to unprecedented dynamics, scale and innovation the MMM system, it is not excluded the appearance of other risks, including those inspired by its known or unknown opponents. Last threat of this kind, for example, was the massive input of fake accounts in spring 2014 – “trolls”, in order to fraudulently obtain bonuses or destabilize the work of the system. Such attempts, however, are quickly and easily removed by some software programming and a certain measures of control, at the same time supported by the participants having a high level confidence in the system. The development of its technical basis, along with the selection of qualified consultants and employees of the Control and Revision Office (CRO), reduce the risks associated with the human factor. In general, the safety of the MMM system will only increase as its activity expands, along with the growth of the turnover, geographical spread and awareness of participants about their responsibilities for its smooth functioning.
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